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The Story Of An Artist – Canzone Spot Apple Giugno 2018

È in onda a partire da metà giugno 2018 una pubblicità Apple che punta a mettere in evidenza la gioia che può esserci nel creare utilizzando un loro computer. Nell’ultima campagna “Behind the Mac” (Dietro un Mac), vediamo una gamma completa di creatori. Iniziano con entusiasmo il processo creativo, affrontando sfide intrinseche e, alla fine del film di 60 secondi, diventano trionfanti e soddisfatti dei loro risultati.

Il film presenta le storie di 12 veri creatori, tra cui l’artista musicale Grimes, che scrive e produce la sua musica e crea le copertine degli album su un Mac. Peter Kariuki, un imprenditore che ha costruito un’app che rende le strade in Ruanda più sicure, e Bruce Hall, un fotografo esperto che ha una collezione permanente nella Biblioteca del Congresso ed è “Legally Blind”.

La canzone scelta per lo spot si intitola “The Story Of An Artist” del cantautore e pittore statunitense Daniel Johnston. I testi della canzone del 1982 sono un logico parallelo al tema dello spot, ma ricordano anche lo stesso Johnston, un artista con un seguito unico e di lunga data.

Il testo completo della canzone The Story Of An Artist – in download su Amazon o su iTunes

Listen up and I’ll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren’t so bold

Everyone, and friends and family
Saying, “Hey! Get a job!”
“Why do you only do that only?
Why are you so odd?
We don’t really like what you do.
We don’t think anyone ever will.
It’s a problem that you have,
And this problem’s made you ill.”

Listen up and I’ll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren’t so bold

The artist walks alone
Someone says behind his back,
“He’s got his gall to call himself that!
He doesn’t even know where he’s at!”
The artist walks among the flowers
Appreciating the sun
He does this all his waking hours
But is it really so wrong?

They sit in front of their TV
Saying, “Hey! This is fun!”
And they laugh at the artist
Saying, “He doesn’t know how to have fun.”
The best things in life are truly free
Singing birds and laughing bees
“You’ve got me wrong”, says he.
“The sun don’t shine in your TV”

Listen up and I’ll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren’t so bold

Everyone, and friends and family
Saying, “Hey! Get a job!”
“Why do you only do that only?
Why are you so odd?
We don’t really like what you do.
We don’t think anyone ever will.
It’s a problem that you have,
And this problem’s made you ill.”

Listen up and I’ll tell a story
About an artist growing old.
Some would try for fame and glory
Others just like to watch the world

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