M&B Music Blog

Edwyn Collins – A Girl Like You


A Girl Like You è una canzone del 1994, estratta dall’album Gorgeus George di Edwyn Collins. Secondo allmusic.com il brano è un tributo del cantautore scozzese ad Iggy Pop, io non ho capito bene il nesso visto che parla dell’incontro con una ragazza straordinaria.

Il campionamento di batteria richiama quello presente in 1-2-3, canzone di Len Barry’s del 1965.

Il testo di A Girl Like You di Edwyn Collins

I’ve never known a girl like you before
Now just like in a song from days of yore
Here you come a knockin’, knockin’ at my door
And I’ve never met a girl like you before

You give me just a taste so I want more and more
Now my hands are bleeding and my knees are raw
Now you’ve got me crawlin’, crawlin’ on the floor
And I’ve never met a girl like you before

You’ve made me acknowledge the devil in me
I hope to God I’m talkin’ metaphorically
Hope that I’m talkin’ allegorically
Know that I’m talkin’ about the way I feel

And I’ve never known a girl like you before
Never, never, never, never
Never known a girl like you before
This old town’s changed so much

Don’t feel like I belong
Too many protest singers
Not enough protest songs
And now you’ve come along
Yes you’ve come along

And I’ve never met a girl like you before

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